Belgium and Luxembourg - Eurasian Economic Union Business Forum 2017



3rd International Business Forum


"Strategy for growth"

Trends, Opportunities, Challenges and Cooperation in the 21st Century

Strategy for Economy Growth


Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia promote research, innovation, technology transfer and the creation of innovative companies.

BLCC in Russia inform and support company creators, enterprises, and research organisations.

BLCC in Russia support enterprises, research organisations and promoters of innovative projects at each phase of their projects, from the identification of their needs to assistance in finding financing and the launch of a product or service.

BLCC in Russia assist and advise in the area of research, development and innovation.



Global network of Belgian-Luxembourg Chambers of Commerce consists of more than 30 Chambers representing Belgian, Luxembourg and local business interests around the world.


Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia

Moscow office: +74993903594

Luxembourg:    +35227861101



BLCC in Russai provides a global intellectual platform  to actively interact and share their ground-breaking research achievements.

Science and technology in Russia developed rapidly since the Age of Enlightenment, when Peter the Great founded the Russian Academy of Sciences and Saint Petersburg State University and polymath Mikhail Lomonosov founded the Moscow State University, establishing a strong native tradition in learning and innovation.

In the 19th and 20th centuries the country produced a large number of notable scientists, making important contributions into physics, astronomy, mathematics, computing, chemistry, biology, geology and geography. Russian inventors and engineers excelled in such areas as electrical engineering, shipbuilding, aerospace, weaponry, communications, IT, nuclear technology and space technology.

Recently, the crisis of the 1990s led to the drastic reduction of the state support for science and technology. Many Russian scientists and university graduates went to Europe or United States in the so-called brain drain migration. In the 2000s, on the wave of a new economic boom, the situation has improved, and the government launched a campaign aimed into modernisation and innovation. Current priorities for the country's technological development include energy efficiency, IT (including both common products and the products combined with space technology), nuclear energy and pharmaceuticals.



Forum for business

Forum for future

© 2016 BLCC RUSSIA (CCBLR Moscow)